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Endangered and Threatened Species
IDNR Endangered Species Program
The function of the Endangered Species Program is to protect and enhance populations of Illinois' endangered and threatened species and the habitats on which those species depend using science-based management methods, well-defined research, and public education.
Program staff work hand-in-hand with IDNR field biologists and a wide variety of statewide conservation partners to actively promote the intrinsic value of biological diversity at genetic, species, community, and landscape levels by conducting status and distribution assessments of the greater than 400 species of plants and animals classified as endangered or threatened in Illinois. The Endangered Species Program also oversees the issuance of endangered species possession and research permits and the Incidental Take Authorization process for endangered and threatened species.
Access our online E&T reporting tool to report your endangered and threatened species observations to the DNR!
Endangered Species Protection Board (ESPB)
The ESPB’s sole authority is to determine whether, based on scientific evidence, animal and plant species should be classified as Illinois endangered or threatened. The ESPB is required to review and revise the Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Species as warranted, but no less often than every five years. To learn more about the ESPB and the listing process, please visit the Endangered Species Protection Board website.